LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Frontispiece. Portrait of Rubens by himself. In the Imperial Gallery at Vienna Alleged Portrait of the artist's mother. In the Pinakothek at Munich The Apostles Peter and Paul. Drawing in the Albertina at Vienna L. Vostermann Engraving by Demosthenes, from a series of antique portrait - busts designed by Rubens. 2678 Tiberius and Agrippina. In the Liechtenstein Gallery at Vienna. Christ, from a series of drawings: Christ and the twelve Apostles. In the 14 Portrait of a Franciscan Monk. In the Pinakothek at Munich 4567 17 The Rivergod Tiber (or Tigris) with the Goddess of Plenty In the Rubens and his wife Isabella Brant. In the Pinakothek at Munich. The Descent from the Cross. In the Hermitage at St. Petersburg 25 26 Studies of Putti. Pen and ink drawing in the Albertina at Vienna. 28. The Lamentation for Christ. In the Imperial Museum at Vienna KNACKFUSS, Rubens. The Picture of Ceres. In the Hermitage, St. Petersburg. 30 31 32 33 35 36 II wwwww8 N N N 28 Fig. 29. 30. The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippos by Castor and Pollux. In the Page 37 Faun and Diana (The Gifts of Autumn). In the Picture Gallery at Dresden Lady and Child (probably Isabella Brant with her son Albrecht). In the 36. Head of a Child (Rubens' cldest daughter). In the Liechtenstein Gallery at Vienna The Virgin Mary with the Infant Christ in a wreath of flowers. (The flowers The Adoration of the Shepherds. In the Pinakothek at Munich. 46. Death of the Consul P. Decius Mus. 48 49 50 The Destruction of the hosts of Sennacherib. The Conversion of St. Paul. In the Pinakothek at Munich In the Pinakothek at Munich The Battle of the Amazons. Erechthonius and the Daughters of Cecrops. In the Liechtenstein Gallery at Vienna The Toilet of Venus. In the Imperial Gallery at Vienna 67 In the Liechtenstein Gallery at Vienna. 69 71 In the Musenm at Antwerp . 73 Sketch for the decoration of the centre vault of the Jesuit Church at The Assumption of the Virgin. In the Pinakothek at Munich 75 76 St. Ignatius Loyola healing the Possessed. In the Imperial Gallery at Vienna Vorstermann. In the Hermitage at St. Petersburg 82 83 84 85 The Marriage of Maria de Medici by Proxy. Sketch for the picture of the 87 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. The Journey to Pont de Cé. Sketch for the picture of the Medici Gallery The Reconciliation. Sketch for the picture of the Medici Gallery in the Drawing in the Albertina at Vienna Study from the Nude. Drawing in the Albertina at Vienna Drawing in the Albertina at Vienna. Portrait of a young Lady of the Court of the Infanta Isabella at Brussels. Portrait of a young Lady of the Court of the Infanta Isabella. In the Portrait of a Marquis (name illegible) of the Court of Maria de Medici. Portrait of a Man. Portrait of a Lady. Portrait of a Man. In the Dresden Gallery In the Dresden Gallery In the Hermitage at St. Petersburg Portrait of a young Lady. In the Hermitage at St. Petersburg . 95 96 In the Pinakothek at Munich 97 98 99 Portrait of a Lady of the Boonen Family. In the Louvre at Paris 105 . 107 108 The Reconciliation of Esau and Jacob. In the Pinakothek at Munich 90. The Duke of Buckingham. In the Collection of Drawings in the Albertina The Artist's Sons, Albert and Nicolas. In the Liechtenstein Gallery at Vienna 113 115 Philip IV., King of Spain. In the Hermitage at St. Petersburg Maria di Medici. Drawing in the Louvre Helena Fourment as a Bride. In the Pinakothek at Munich. Portrait of the Artist by himself. (Sketch for the picture "Rubens and Helène . 116 Rubens with his second Wife in their Garden. In the Pinakothek at Munich 102 Helena Fourment. From the van der Hoop Collection in the Museum Helena Fourment, sitting under a portico on an armchair. In the Pina- Sketch for a Decorative Structure, erected on the Corn-Market at Amsterdam, Portrait of a Man of Letters. In the Pinakothek at Munich. 136 137 139 A Franciscan Monk. Study. In the Hermitage at St. Petersburg Helena Fourment and her eldest Son. In the Pinakothek at Munich The Holy Family. In the Wallraf - Richartz Museum at Cologne |