Next to sacred literature, mathematical and astronomical science were his favourite studies. He had read the works of divines in various languages, and was thoroughly acquainted with the fathers of the christian church. He also possessed an intimate acquaintance with the rabbinical writings. As a preacher, he was most impressive and eloquent, and spoke with energy and zeal. His early discourses were philosophical and moral; but he gradually became a serious and powerful preacher of the momentous truths of the gospel. / Dr. Stiles had every literary honour which his country could bestow upon him; was a member of many learned societies abroad, and was the intimate friend and correspondent of the first characters in Europe and America. His publications are not numerous. They are known in the learned world, and consist of philosophical essays, historical narratives, sermons, and theological tracts. He left an unfinished ecclesiastical history of New-England, and more than forty volumes in manuscripts. An account of his life and writings have been published by the Rev. Dr. Holmes. SULLIVAN, JAMES, a distinguished civilian, was born at Berwick, Maine, April 22, 1744./ He was carefully educated by his father, and at a seasonable age he commenced the study of the law. In the study and practice of the law at that period, there were difficulties which must have severely tried the fortitude of a beginner. The elements were in no fairer shape than Woods' Institutes, and Coke's Commentary on Littleton. The wheat was hid in the chaff. There were then no reports and no books of forms, such as we now have; yet so rapid was his rise, that before the revolution, he was ranked with the most eminent of his profession. He was a member of the provincial congress, and while he belonged to that body in 1775, was sent on a difficult mission to Ticonderoga, for which he received a vote of thanks. ( In 1776, he was appointed a judge of the superior court, with John Adams, William Cushing, and others. He afterwards assisted as a member of the convention, to form the state constitution, and continued a judge of the supreme judicial court until February, 1782, when he resigned and returned to the practice of the law. (In 1783, he represented Massachusetts in congress; and in the ensuing year acted as one of the commissioners in the settlement of the controversy then existing between the states of Massachusetts and New-York, concerning their respective claims to the Western lands. He was repeatedly chosen to represent the town of Boston in the legislature; in 1787, was a member of the executive council; the same year was made judge of probate for the county of Suffolk, and in 1790, attorney-general. In 1796, he was appointed by president Washington, a commissioner under the fifth article of the British treaty, for settling the boundaries between the United States and the British provinces./ (In June, 1807, he was called to the chief magistracy of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and while in the discharge of the duties of that high station, he was called to pay the debt of nature October 17, 1808./ / In his person he was commanding, and of very dignified manners. His features were remarkably fine, and the expression intelligent and placid. / As a civilian, he sustained the first rank. He was as well versed in special pleading and all the forms of practice, as in the science of the law. The great traits of his mind were force, comprehensive ness, and ardour. Nothing of consequence in any cause escaped the fullness and intensity of his thoughts. His arguments were clear, close, and strong, not calculated so much for parade as to secure conviction. In his administration he was wise, upright, and impartial. Political and professional pursuits did not wholly engross his care. Letters and science received his aid and encouragement. He was one of the first members of the American academy of arts and sciences; one of the founders, and many years president of the Massachusetts historical society. As a writer, he published the History of Land Titles in Massachusetts; the History of the District of Maine; a Treatise on the Constitutional Liberty of the Press; History of the Penobscot Indians, &c. Every one of his works glows with the fervour of true patriotism and benevolence, and in point of style are neat and finished performances. STARK, JOHN, a brigadier-general in the American army during the revolutionary war, was born at Londonderry, New-Hampshire, on the 17th August, 1728. When at the age of twenty-one years, he was, while on a hunting excursion, surprised and captured by the Indians, and remained four months a prisoner in their hands. He was captain of a company of rangers in the provincial service during the French war of 1755, and was with lord Howe when he was killed in storming the French lines at Ticonderoga, in July, 1758. At the close of that war, he retired with the reputation of a brave and vigilant officer. When the report of Lexington battle reached him, he was engaged at work in his sawmill. Fired with indignation and a martial spirit, he immediately seized his musket, and with a band of heroes proceeded to Cambridge, and the morning after his arrival, he received a colonel's commission. On the memorable 17th June, 1775, at Breed's Hill, colonel Stark, at the head of his division, poured on the enemy that deadly fire, which compelled the British columns twice to retreat. During the whole of this dreadful conflict, colonel Stark evinced that consummate bravery and intrepid zeal, which entitle his name to honour and perpetual remembrance in the pages of our history. We next find him at Trenton, in December, 1776, where he shared largely in the honours of that ever memorable battle. But colonel Stark reached the climax of his fame, when in the darkest and most desponding periods of the revolution he achieved a glorious victory over the enemy at Bennington, of twice the force under his command. In this victory he took upwards of seven hundred prisoners, besides four brass field-pieces. Congress, on the 4th October, 1777, in consideration of his important services, promoted him to the rank of brigadier-general in the army of the United States. General Stark volunteered his services, under general Gates at Saratoga, and assisted in the council which stipulated the surrender of general Burgoyne; nor did he relinquish his valuable services till he could greet his native country as an independent empire. He lived to the advanced age of ninety-three years, and died May 8, 1822. STEWART, CHARLES, commodore in the navy of the United States, was born in Philadelphia, July 22, 1778. Shortly after receiving a good education he entered the merchant service, and in a few years afterwards, was promoted to the command of a ship. At the commencement of the rupture with France in 1798, he received the appointment of a lieutenancy in the navy of the United States, and entered the service on board of the frigate United States. In 1800, he was appointed to the command of the Experiment of twelve guns, and was ordered to cruise in the West India seas. While on that station, he engaged and captured the Deux Amies of twelve guns, the Diana of eighteen guns, the Louisa of eight guns, besides merchantmen, and rescued American property to a large amount. On peace being restored, he was transferred to the Constellation frigate, and sailed with captain Murray to the Mediterranean. On his return home, he was appointed to the command of the brig Siren, and sailed again to the Mediterranean, and participated in the splendid victories over the Tripolitans. In 1806, he was promoted to the rank of captain. During the late war with Great Britain, he was appointed to the command of the frigate Constitution, and in December, 1813, proceeded to sea from Boston harbour, although blockaded at that time by seven ships of the line. During this cruise he captured the schooner Picton of sixteen guns, and a letter of marque ship under her convoy, besides several merchantmen. He sailed again in April, 1814, and captured the British brig Lord Nelson. After cruising for some time off Cape Finisterre, and the Madeiras, he at last fell in with and engaged two of his majesty's ships, and in less than forty minutes, both struck. They proved to be the Cyane of thirty-four guns, and the Levant of thirty-eight guns. He then proceeded home with his prizes, and on arriving at |